[an error occurred while processing the directive] Ok after considering all the prons and cons of every programming language c++ has been chosen for coding this project if you want an explenation why tell I just don't think it intersts most ppl
Notes on coding style:
* The fucose is on portebilty and maintebilty to write clear (not neccecry efficent)
* Comment every procedure and any logical part of a procedure
* NO numbers in code execpt 2 (some times a divide by 2 is needed increce by one is done by ++) use "#define" insted
* Const sould be all caps variables sould be all non caps
* More then one word as a name will be seperated by '_'
* All server names/numbers will be stored in an ini file called "confing.ini" that will be stored at the same directory as the exe if one does not exist it will create a defult one
Ok here are the things we need for sure:
A recursive procedure for scanning the hard drive for games assume you get a starting directory as a pointer to a string, assume you also get a pointer to an array of strings that containe the files of find (the file name includes extention)
An irc client (strip the interface)

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[an error occurred while processing the directive]